A busy weekend

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Bloc buster took place on Saturday 1st October at The Depot, Nottingham. In qualifiers, I topped 29/30blocs and finished with a score of 287 out of 300. This meant I qualified for the senior finals in 3rd place which was ace. During finals, I couldn’t stick the double-dyno on bloc 1. Flashed the 2nd problem but didn’t get the bonus on the last climb which was a really tough  one. Finished 5th in my first senior event which I’m psyched about too.

On Sunday I was up early for a long drive to Liverpool’s Climbing Hangar for the last  training of the season. We had a talk about nutrition from Lu and then climbed some awesome problems set by Dave Barrans. As always it was great to see everyone again both days, but I was glad to get to bed on Sunday night after a long tiring busy weekend!

