I suppose this journey started in 2016 when I was at Buxton and Leek College studying Outdoor Sports and Leadership. I did my first aid course and a navigation course very early on in my studies. Two years later and just 18 years old, I left with my Lowland Expedition Leader, my Climbing Wall Instructor, my Paddle Sports Instructor, Archery and Powerboat license, this got my foot in the door of the industry, allowing me to go straight into being a competent second instructor. All that had to come next was some more experience.

I gained most of this through my first year of work at Newlands, allowing me to set my sights on becoming more qualified, with my intention to be able to lead sessions on my own rather than be the second. In my first year at Newlands, I completed my Rock Climbing Instructor training and assessment. This meant I could lead my groups out on the crag, top roping and running abseils in a single-pitch environment, perfect for the schools and Kids Club!

Next up was my Paddle sport Leader training and assessment, giving me the freedom to operate on Derwentwater as a lead instructor with someone else as a second, and also on my own with a group of up to ten people. Getting signed off by our technical advisor opened up a larger area to paddle, including the big island, St Herbert’s, right in the centre of the lake, ideal for that halfway picnic or some games of hide ‘n seek with the groups!

Had a bit of a break over the lockdown, but within just 3 months in early 2022, I undertook training courses for the Climbing Wall Development Instructor, Foundation Coach Award, Mountain Bike Leader L2 and Summer Mountain Leader. This totalled up to ten days’ worth of training, a big undertaking to balance this with time off work. Once the training is done, you have to keep a log of your practices during the consolidation period. This might include a certain number of hours logged teaching, x amount of quality mountain days, and so many bike rides.

In 2023 I made it my mission to complete all of these assessments. First was my 5-day Mountain Leader assessment, which I did in the Lake District in March. Day one was micro navigation, successfully hitting small features on a map such as a contour line, a small body of water, and a stream junction. Day two, was a steep ground day, working with ropes at times, keeping the group safe, effective route choices and confidence roping all done through various techniques. Days three to five were part of an expedition. Being self-sufficient, carrying a loaded bag with a tent, camping equipment, food, and stoves is the most physical part. Part of the expedition includes night navigation, to demonstrate that we can navigate effectively in poor visibility. I was pleased to have passed this assessment because it meant I could take groups above 600m on my day walks.
Next was my CWDI assessment. One day was spent at Ratho, teaching people how to become lead climbers. Covering the skills such as efficient resting and movement on the wall, clipping quickdraws, lead belaying, and practising lead climbing with the safety of a top rope or auto belay. This addition to my skills means that I can now offer people, learn to lead courses at the wall.
The Foundation Coach Award was a great assessment, that took place in Newcastle. I had three beginners placed with me and my role was to give them a fun time climbing, with a focus on footwork. I kept the pace high for an engaging session and allowed them time to practice and to come back and share what they’d discovered. I was pleased to have passed this because I’m now officially a qualified coach. This experience has inspired me to go down the coach development pathway to diversify my skills. I’ve also had many years of coaching myself and looked up to my coaches. Having the opportunity to do the same for others is something I look forward to accomplishing.

The final one of the year was a soaking wet Mountain Bike Leader assessment in Coniston. The day was simple, three of us on the assessment had to lead 10km legs of a big loop route that we got handed. Navigating on the move, deciding when to take the lead from the front and when to relax, undertaking any repairs and making it an inspiring journey were all part of this. This is a great addition for me because I enjoy biking in my spare time. We did bike tours when I was working at Newlands, so another useful qualification to the list!

My goal is to continue to log all my outdoor experiences helping me work towards the Development Coach Award and to become a Rock Climbing Development Instructor, two qualifications I aspire to get one day.