HVAFF/ ShAFF Youth Short Film Competition winner

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My short film- ‘Climb Happy’, I made for the HVAFF/ ShAFF Youth Short Film Competition has won the Best Overall Film which is pretty awesome! The prize was a GoPro Hero 4 which will come in very useful for future filming! And even more exciting is that it’s going to be shown at ShAFF this weekend as part of the Made In Sheffield programme on Saturday at 12.30 and on Sunday at 16.00 in the café at the Showroom Cinema so pop in and watch it if you’re at ShAFF this weekend or watch it again now.

A huge thank you to everybody involved in putting on this competition.



2 Responses

  1. Jim Watkin

    Awesome news, Jack! Congratulations

  2. Mony

    Brilliant news Jack! Well done, a very worthy winner! 🙂 x