Inaugural meeting

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1st & 2nd February ;

The weekend of the 1st and 2nd of February was the Inaugural meeting, the first time I got to meet with my new teammates after being selected for the GB Bouldering Team. The first day consisted of Introductions and whilst the parents were inside having meetings, both the Lead and Bouldering Team went outside and did some team building exercises which was a great ice-breaker. In the afternoon we did some bouldering at The Works which brought the whole team together. This was followed by medicals and finally, some really inspiring talks from Nathan, Molly and William. The second day started with a trip to the CrossFit Gym in Sheffield where we were put through our paces! In the afternoon we went to The Works and did a Boulder Battle where we had to create a boulder problem that we could do but other people couldn’t. This was a great way to encourage people and to get to know them better but most of all a fun challenge.  I left the weekend really psyched, ready to train hard and ready to compete for the team but most of all i left having had a great time and having made new friends from all around the country.