Inaugural meeting 2015

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Saturday 31st Jan and Sunday 1st Feb was the inaugural team training for the GB Team. On Saturday we headed to Awesome Walls Sheffield to have our Medical and FMS tests. During this time the whole team took part in various team-building exercises, literally, when we were asked to build a three tier stacked pyramid, by standing on top of each other’s shoulders. We had 6 on the bottom, then 4 on the second row and then 1 on top. Other activities included crab football (on all fours kicking the ball) and climbing up the wall whilst holding hands with a partner, (harder than it sounds!)

On Sunday we all met early at Cross Fit Gym in Sheffield and we were split into 4 groups for the 4 different sessions of the day. Our group was at the gym first and we were doing self-massages with our new lacrosse, tennis and golf balls. We also did the same with our foam rollers and relaxed our muscles. We also learnt how to use our voodoo floss band and our light resistance band too. Next we headed to the Works for contract signing then we did some climbing with Tom and Mike which was to improve our stamina by trying to complete as many climbs on a certain panels aiming for a range of grades. Afterwards we went around trying the yellow circuit but you were only allowed to use certain holds or one hand and this was challenging but fun. Finally we headed back to Cross Fit for a 1 hour Power Yoga session with Manny which was tiring but I felt good afterwards so it was worth it!

It was a great weekend,  good to get to know new team mates and catch up with my old ones.

Thanks to the Team Management, Manny (360 power yoga), Tony (CrossFit Sheffield), everyone at The Climbing Works and Awesome Walls Sheffield. 😉



“getting to grips with the new equipment”

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