JBBC’s Round 2, TCA Glasgow

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At the weekend I was up at Glasgow competing in the second round of the Junior British Cup. It was my first competition since December. The qualifying round was difficult but I was pleased with qualifying for the final in second place with 4 flashes and 7 bonuses out of 8 blocs. In the final the blocs were quite powerful and had pumpy moves on them but I got the bonus of all 3 climbs on my first go and came to the last few moves on all of them as well. In the final I used my tactics learned at the Team Trainings. I didn’t waste loads of attempts, I felt much more in control with my time management and felt I moved really well on the wall. Although I came fifth on the day, due to the super compensation training this puts me in a good place ready for the Europeans and gives me a focus for what to train for. It was a fun day, good to get back in to competition mode and nice to see everyone again.


