Lots of climbing!

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At the end of May, Gwyneth and Max drove up to Sheffield from Bristol to go climbing in the Peak with me and Izzie. On the first day we went to Stanage Plantation and did a bit there but we were getting eaten alive so packed it in and went for a session at the Works instead. The next day we went to Curbar Edge and had a great time climbing the likes of Trackside and Gorilla Warfare plus a few other classics. As shown on the video. Then after this, we drove down to Bristol, spent a few nights a Gwyneth’s doing lots of climbing at Bloc, an ace bouldering centre there, before we got on a 4 hour National Express back up to ours. Skin hurt lots after 3 days of intense climbing on the trot but it was definitely worth it!
 For now, I am just training and getting psyched for the Junior British Bouldering Championships which is this coming Saturday at Depot, Manchester. 🙂