Round 1 of the Youth Climbing Series 2015, The Foundry

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Saturday 24th was Round 1 of the Youth Climbing Series 2015 at The Foundry, Sheffield. I was up there, same as last year, helping out and doing anything that needed doing! The day began with a quick warm up session led by Abbie and Martha and I volunteered to Judge a group and Demo the comp climbs. I was judging Group E and so we all got started on our boulder climbs, I demoed their boulder problems but they were all hunched up moves as they were set for small 9 year olds so I found it a little challenging with my long limbs! I then scored them as they easily managed the moves I made look hard! Next was our 3 top rope climbs and I also demoed all three of them as well as having to remember to keep small! I judged all of them, totalled up the scores and my group was finished. I wasn’t though as I was still needed to demo a few tricky boulder problems for the group A, B and C categories. After this I played add on with Zak and Joe making some obscure climbs on the wave bouldering wall. It was a great chilled out day and cool to catch up with everyone! Looking forward to helping at Round 2 Nottingham with another funky hat! 😉


On judging duty with Jim and Abbie
On judging duty with Jim and Abbie
With Ella, Joe, Zak and Alex
With Ella, Joe, Zak and Alex
Trying to keep small!
Trying to keep small!
Playing add on with some odd moves!
Playing add on with some odd moves!
Chilling on the mats with Pippa, Zak,Joe and Alex
Chilling on the mats with Pippa, Zak,Joe and Alex
And the winner of the daft hat competition is....
And the winner of the daft hat competition is….