Team Training

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8:45 am on Sunday and we all arrived at TCA again for a day of Team Training. At the beginning we were given our GB soft shell jackets, once again we all looked like a Team. We started off with a time table of the day’s events.

After Tom’s motivational words we went with Tim to warm up and practice some of the Multi Vitamin Movements (I will record myself doing some of these at a later date, and give you all a good laugh!) and we made  a little sequence of movements which we performed! Then we did a Tout-a-bloc session and we had an hour and a bit to climb as many of the twenty problems as we could. This was fun and the Team went around encouraging each other on the harder climbs. After lunch we had our nutrition talk from Lu which was about thinking how we fuel our bodies because if better things go in then your performance will be better.  Next we all worked on a few of the harder climbs and then the day was concluded by a flexibility session by Tim. I had a great weekend, really tired and I’m now going to have a week or so off climbing and take a well deserved rest.
