Team Training again at The Works

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Sunday 29th June was Team Training again at The Works. I got there nice and early and after introductions and a run-through of events for the day we started off with some workshops. The first workshop led by Tom, made us think about using tactics in a qualifying scramble round and also in a final with the 4 minutes + format. Secondly we had a workshop with Tim which got us thinking about having a really good warm up and using what equipment you’ve got with you in a European round. This followed by a nutritional talk from Lu, getting us to really think about what we eat and how we can substitute things for healthier options so, for example, snacks, instead of crisps we should eat seeds, nuts or dried fruit. We were also told how to balance our bodies by eating lots of fruit and vegetables.

After lunch we got split into our ages groups and had a mock European style competition, complete with an eight bloc scramble, isolation and a three bloc final with holding areas whilst we waited. It was cool to challenge myself and good to catch up with friends which I haven’t seen since Glasgow.

Overall it was a very good day and I learnt loads about certain tactics to be used in a competition and fuelling my body for the day.



