On Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th the GB Junior Bouldering Team had their last training of the season. We headed to Awesome Walls for our season reviews and a bit of a boulder session but also watched the BLCC’s which were happening too. After catching up with everyone, having our reviews and a bit of fun on the slack lines upstairs it was soon time for our evening meal. During the meal at El Paso’s Team Captain Rach and Vice-Captain Alex gave out the funny certificates to everyone in the team. I got Egg Head because I wear stacks of hats! After a very late night and an early morning we all met up at Robin Hood’s Stride and Cratcliffe for a day’s bouldering on the grit with Tom, Tim and Claire. I managed to flash campus Jerry’s Traverse and almost very nearly did T-Crack, I know the beta now! I also got The Nose, 6b which I’d been trying for a while. Being with team mates really psyches you up. A pretty chilled day out, cool to meet Hamish and Imogen and sad to see Hamish P and Rach leave the junior Team. Good luck in the future guys. Thanks again to all involved. 🙂