Team Training/ Selection Weekend

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The format was 4 on 4 off on 4 world championship style blocs set at the Works. With isolation opening at 12 and climbing to start at 1:15, I got there in plenty of time at 11 ish to begin my warm up. I dropped the second last move on bloc 1, a dynamic blue one, bloc 2 I topped 4th go after doing a cool double dyno, bloc 3 was very difficult and I didn’t really get anywhere on it and bloc 4, a slab, I flashed all the way until the last move,  a tricky match was needed, which I got 1st go on Sunday AFTER the comp!

Sunday was more relaxed with mobility work, discussing strategies and tactics and getting on all the comp blocs from yesterday which was great fun as they were all nails! As always a great weekend, thanks to all Management and Luke!


2016-04-10 14.21.08



2016-04-10 14.19.37