Team Training Weekend

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It was another awesome team training weekend. On Saturday we started with a very inspirational speech and a big team hug!  We started warming up for a busy day of climbing ahead of us, then split in to our age groups and started our 8 qualifying blocs with 1 hour 30 to complete them in. I finished with 7 tops in 11 go’s. Next we were on 4 Euro style blocs in the final. The format was ‘5 on 5 off’ which was a new experience for me. It involved 5 minutes climbing the problem but once the timer went to 0, you had to stop where you were then move on to the next problem without looking at it and sit and rest for 5 minutes. In the final I flashed 2 out of the 4 but I especially liked the fourth bloc because it was a funky problem with lots of volumes to figure out. We finished with a surprise guest speaker who was Mina Leslie-Wujastyk, it was really cool to hear her climbing story, experiences and perspectives.


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Planning our super-compensation training.




On the second day we met back at the Works for another busy day. We began by warming up and doing mobility exercises and then Group B and A females headed over to Lu for a nutrition feedback session and measuring of our height, apex index, feet size, etc. This was to monitor our growth in the future. Then we took part in a jumping and dynoing workshop with Tim and Mike. It involved us learning how to land correctly to reduce stress on the knees. I also made some mad dynos in the workshop including a triple step running dyno then hopped across on to a jug. After lunch we were back on to the comp wall for tactics and route reading, I also tried the other two of my final blocs from yesterday and did them first and second go. Following this we had a strength and conditioning session with Tim which included core and shoulder strength work outs. To finish the day after cooling down we gathered around and started to plan our training for the next few weeks. Overall it was a really fun weekend; I’ve taken lots away from it and lots of new things to practice at the wall.

Thanks to the management for yet another great Team training.


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