Summer catch up

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So over the past 6 months, I’ve done loads of things. I finished college with triple distinction* and 100 for my BTEC Outdoor Sport level 3 which was cool, then I turned 18 and 2 days later moved 300 miles up North to a castle to begin working as an outdoor instructor. I’m currently at Ford Castle in Northumberland where I’ve met loads of new people and regularly go climbing with them. I’ve been introduced to trad climbing, something I’d always steered clear of! However, I actually enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would and trad climbed in the Lake District and Hadrian’s Wall and all the classic Northumberland crags as well. The hardest grade I’ve climbed is E6 so far and I’m looking forward to a winter season on the grit in the Peaks. I’ve tried sport climbing too and was pleased to get a 7b led too. Really enjoying climbing in general, making a change from all the bouldering I’d normally do.

At work I’ve learned how to lead sessions of archery, survival, canoeing, to name a few. I find it really cool when someone achieves something they thought they couldn’t do. Still have a busy few months ahead continuing to work in the castle, climb lots and keep on exploring Northumberland.